At the Port of Seattle’s annual Celebration of Small Businesses, Port staff shared their 2025 Contracting Forecast with attendees. You can view future solicitations at this link here. For active opportunities view this site here. Here are some highlights from the recent forecast presentation:
Aviation: 5 Year Projected Capital Program: $3.2Billion which includes
- $255m Concourse B, C and D HVAC Infrastructure Renewal and Replacement (RFP May 2025)
- $10m Watermain Improvements (Q4 2025)
- $3m Bus Canopy Widening (Q1 – 2 2025)
- $30m Professional Design Services IDIQ Contracts for Passenger Loading Bridge, Architectural Design, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Design Services (RFPs Q1-Q3 2025)
Maritime: Includes a $605 million 5 year draft Capital Improvement Program, NW Seaport Alliance’s North Harbor’s 5 Year Draft Capital Improvement Program totals $308m as well as $150 million for Environmental Remediation and Other Projects. Specific upcoming projects include:
- $7m Terminal 5 Southeast Habitat Restoration. (RFP for heavy civil GC/CM to be issued Q1 2025)
- $16m FT C15 Building Improvements including various exterior envelope improvements, rooftop overlay, solar panels, lighting and windows (Bid Date: Q2 2025)
- $50m T18 Pile Cap Repairs (Q2 2025)
- $85m FT NW Dock West rehabilitate and improve Piers 1 & 2, replace fendering, improve access. (RFP Date for Design Q2 2025, construction Q3 2026)