Advanced PortGen 2024 is a training series designed for small, minority, and women-owned businesses wanting to learn how to be successful with government contracting.
Each class combined a resource video of detailed information and a virtual live Q&A session to discuss the topic.
Resource videos are now available to watch. Q&A sessions were not be recorded, but a post-event Q&A was made available. Click on the video to the right to view.
Contact training@washingtonAPEX.org with any questions
Brief videos for new public works contractors
The 2024 Advanced PortGen Training series is designed for the busy construction firm eager to better understand public sector contracting. Each instructional video outlines one topic that is unique to public sector contracting. For only 10-12 minutes of time, you’ll gain a better appreciation for the topic and how that impacts your firm’s ability to compete in the marketplace. After viewing the videos, bring your questions to your local APEX Accelerator advisor. Your advisor can help you find, bid on, and win public sector contracts and subcontracts in your community.
Subcontracting Tips and Tricks : Tips and tricks for finding and building relationships with prime contractors.
Prevailing Wage Compliance for Public Works Contracts in WA: Don’t let wage compliance requirements catch you off guard or eat into your profit margins. We will explore what it takes to be compliant with wage rates, certified payroll, intents & affidavits as well as how to develop a plan and use resources to meet requirements.
Indirect Rates & Cash Flow for Government Contractors: Explore cash flow considerations and the importance of indirect cost rates in your long term profitability and success in the government marketplace.
Insurance for Government Contractors: Understanding the types of insurance and why they are needed will help your firm compete successfully on future contracts.
Basics of Bonding for public works jobs: When do you need Bonding for public works jobs and what does it take to get a bond and a favorable bond rating?
Project Labor Agreements: An overview of Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) as they relate to public works contracts in Washington State. Participants will explore the legal framework, key features, and practical considerations of participating in contracts that require PLAs.
December 11th – Celebration of Small Business
Register for the in-person gathering
Location: Port of Seattle Pier 69 Atrium, 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM
In partnership with PortGen Accelerator Program, this in person event provides an opportunity to celebrate the efforts of our participants, meet the subject matter experts, network with prime contractors and agency representatives, and build your resource team
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