Pending approval by the WA Department of Enterprise Services, the posting organization listed below intends to award a sole source contract for the following goods or services:
Title: Core Plus Construction
Description: OSPI intends to award a sole source contract to the Associated General Contractors of Washington Education Foundation to provide development, outreach, and support for Core Plus Construction program of study, as well as services that promote employer engagement with school districts and community partners to create a pathway to employment for students in this key economic sector for our state.
Estimated Value: $125,000
Customer Reference Number: 20240238
Close Date: Friday, January 12, 2024
Posting Organization: Superintendent of Public Instruction, Office of
The definition of a sole source contract, as per RCW 39.26.010, is one where the contractor providing goods or services of such a unique nature or sole availability at the location required that the contractor is clearly and justifiably the only practicable source to provide the goods or services.
Although this sole source notification is not an invitation to bid, if you feel your firm is able to provide the goods or services listed above, please review this sole source notice by logging in at:
Once logged in, you should be taken directly to this notification. To view solicitations, click “Search Opportunities” in the menu on the left hand side.
The sole source notice should include a description of the purpose and scope of the intended contract, the criteria or rationale justifying the sole source contract, the name of the prospective contractor, the projected contract value, the period of performance, and the process for vendor inquiries or responses, including timelines and requirements. Any questions regarding this notice should be directed to the contact person listed in WEBS.
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