Office of Financial Management (OFM)
Solicitation No. 23-1700
Personnel Resources Board (PRB) Mediation Services
Find the full solicitation document with instructions on Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS)
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Solicitation Coordinator: Kerra Lynch, or Kristy Brodersen,
Competitive Solicitation posting date: October 13, 2023
Bidder Questions due: October 26, 3:30 p.m., Local time, Olympia, WA
Bid due date: November 15, 3:30 p.m., Local time, Olympia, WA (subject to change)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Office of Financial Management, in the past, the Personnel Resources Board (PRB) has utilized mediation and hearing officer services to resolve appeals outside of the hearing process. Mediation expedites a resolution prior to a scheduled PRB hearing that could be months away. The number of appeals that are mediated per year is never consistent as it is on a case-by-case decision of the Appellants and the Respondents. There are some appeal types that cannot be mediated such as Rule Violations but common mediations you will find are Dismissals. Currently, mediations are held virtually, however it is up to the mediators if they would like to conduct the mediations in-person or virtually.
ESTIMATED CONTRACT TERM: January 1, 2024, through January 1, 2029. The term of the contract may be extended by written amendment up to five (5) times for up to one (1) year per amendment, in the sole discretion of OFM. Additional services that are appropriate to the scope of this Solicitation, as determined by OFM, may be added to the Contract in a mutually agreeable written amendment.
FUNDING: Historically, prior contracts for PRB mediation services per year were invoices at approximately $80,000 for services provided. Therefore, OFM contemplates an initial term to be approximately $400,000.00. The total value if all extensions are utilized would be approximately $800,00.00. Total potential or estimated contract sales for this Competitive Solicitation are not known. Although OFM does not represent or guarantee any minimum purchase from the Contract.
961-05 – Arbitration, Mediation, and Alternative Dispute Resolution Services
Solicitation documents available: Contract documents, contacts and Bid instructions are available in WEBS at