DLA created videos to teach businesses how to apply for basic JCP certification.
Suppliers interested in doing business with DLA must also have a DLA Enhanced JCP (EJCP).
Basic JCP Certification:
United States Joint Certification: How to fill out the DD Form 2345 (USA version) (open caption) https://www.dvidshub.net/video/826732/united-states-joint-certification-fill-out-dd-form-2345-usa-version-open-caption
Welcome to the United States Joint Certification Office video where you will learn the steps on how to properly fill out the DD Form 2345. This form is the military critical technical data agreement for U.S. vendors who want joint certification. For more information please visit: https://www.dla.mil/HQ/LogisticsOperations/Services/JCP/
Enhanced JCP (EJCP) Needed to sell to DLA: https://www.dla.mil/HQ/LogisticsOperations/EnhancedValidation/
United States Joint Certification: How to fill out the DD Form 2345 (USA version) (open caption)