Customer Service Auditing Services RFP 2025-11037
Find the full solicitation on www.spokanetransit.com
Contract description:
Spokane Transit Authority (STA) is seeking a qualified Contractor to provide customer care auditing
services. The selected Contractor will be responsible for conducting monthly audits to evaluate the
customer experience when interacting with operators, supervisors, and office personnel. The Contractor
will provide web-based audit reporting. Subsequently, the Contractor will deliver comprehensive monthly
audit reports to STA. STA anticipates awarding a three-year contract beginning on July 1, 2025.
Amendment #1 for RFP 2024-11002 has been issued. You can find it here, or on our website, spokanetransit.com and going to Public Information/Bidding Opportunities. Please note that you must acknowledge this Amendment on Attachment A, Proposal Response Form, in the RFP to be considered responsive.
Solicitation documents: Solicitation documents, contacts and bid instructions are available at www.spokanetransit.com
Organization: Spokane Transit Authority
Links: https://www.spokanetransit.com/bidding-opportunity/2025-11037-customer-service-auditing-services/
Pre Bid Meeting Details: A pre-proposal meeting will be held via Microsoft Teams, March 6, 2025, beginning at 1:00 PM PST
The link can be found on the website or in the RFP packet.
Other Details: The RFP packet may be obtained from the STA website https://www.spokanetransit.com/bidding-opportunity/2025-11037-customer-service-auditing-services/ or by contacting Haley Wilson, Procurement Coordinator, via email hwilson@spokanetransit.com.
Point of Contact:
Name: Haley Wilson
Email: hwilson@spokanetransit.com
Phone:(509) 325-6076
NOTE: These postings are from third parties and are listed as a courtesy. This website is not an official posting site for government agencies. Posts you see here are posted as a courtesy only. You must visit the agency’s official site (i.e. WEBS, SAM, etc) to see official bid notices, amendments, etc.