Request for Qualification (RFQ): Economic Development Consulting Team – Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation Tribe
RFQ Overview:
The Yakama Nation has solicited the provisions of a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) to reframe the organizational infrastructure, build capacity, and secure the tribe’s protective interest and the future of their tribal economy. Through the CEDS document, the tribe will address the mechanics of their strengths & weaknesses through a bottom-up strategy to avoid an economic downfall post-COVID. By emphasizing a holistic approach to its vision of tribal enrichment, the Yakama Nation will enable its tribal members to devise a protocol for sustainable living. As a result, they will become the primary producers of what their community utilizes, purchases, and considers for their land.
In turn, this solidifies self-sufficiency while improving their governance capacity. The advancement of the Yakama Nation’s strategic implementation of a locally based, regionally driven planning process will employ and optimize the contributions of effective, driven, performance-based tribal economic development. The foundation that the CEDS provides will reflect a traditional basis, culturally constructed lifestyle that compliments principles concerning diversity, equity, and inclusion, a signifier of the Yakama Nation. Since the CEDS is a working document designed to identify priorities for the Yakama Nation, it will guide economic prosperity and provide resiliency within the tribal community and regional partners.
RFQ Issue Date:01/24/2025
Deadline for Proposals:02/24/2025
Review by RFQ Committee:03/03/2025
Consultant Interviews:03/24/2025
Consultant Recommendations:04/01/2025
Consultant Selection Approval:04/21/2025
Project Commencement Date: May 1, 2025
Project Completion Date: August 31, 2025
Scope of Work:
Task A-Create a CEDS document for the YN Nation with all requested and pertinent information needed to implement the CEDS document.
Task B– Economic Recovery and Resiliency plan of action: The development of an economic plan to incorporate into the CEDS to identify top priority project/action to assist the tribe in sustainability.
Point of Contact:
Name: Monique George
Phone: (509) 865-5121
Organization: Yakama Nation Economic Development Program